Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Is it food or friends we hunger?

Phil and I were visited by an old friend this weekend and the itinerary was based around food. Brunch at Cuba Cuba. Afternoon drinks at Can Can. Dinner at Comfort. All of our old rest stops. So, it made me think of another layer to food that is not always so obvious. It's the memories that are made around the table. The conversations, laughs, stories that help us savor the moment. So, cheers to Lizzy and Catherine for creating this blog. Let's get a dinner date on the calendar soon -- especially since I missed Lu Lu's!

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

So true. So many of my favorite restaurants in Rmond (heck, everywhere!) are favorites for the memories as much as the food. Comfort? I love okra and I got engaged in the front window. Kuba Kuba? Crispy tostones and memories of living up the street in my first apt with John. Liberty Valance? Cornmeal pancakes and delirious hangover laughter.