Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bin 22

(posted by Lizzy on behalf of Phil)

As of late, I have been catching the most delicious buzz from bin 22. I can't tell whether its the food, the drink, the company I keep. Maybe its the combination. Don't really care which it is. I just like it. Greg and his crew have created part of what I was meant to do: eat little bits of tasty cheeses, meats, breads, fruits and then wash them down with wonderful wines all the while being held in the nice comfort of the place. mmmm. Phil.


Lizzy said...

I do love that place, and don't go nearly often enough. Field trip, soon!

Catherine said...

Phil, I love you too.

rikka said...

We adore that little bowl of olives in the wonderful oil. Especially that tiny table in the front corner by the "false" door. After nearly a bottle of something red, we begin sniggering and people watching.