Friday, January 25, 2008

The Helmand, Boston

I may be breaking the rule by posting a review of a restaurant that is far from accessible to Richmond but I feel like I would be doing a disservice by not spreading the word. While in Boston a few weekends ago I had an abundance of dining pleasures -- from authentic Chinese to a gourmet Brunch at the Ritz to a French dinner by candlelight. But of all my eating adventures, my favorite was The Helmand in Cambridge. This is an authentic Afghanistan restaurant. The owner is supposedly the brother of Afghanistan's President and they also have a restaurant in San Francisco. Anyway, the atmosphere was perfect and the food was so flavorful I'm still dreaming about it (read other reviews here)! Since you won't be able to venture to The Helmand, I'll go ahead and give you the recipe for one of their appetizers which was truly to die for. Kaddo: baked pumpkin with a yogurt sauce, topped with a delectable meat sauce. Probably doesn't sound too good but just trust me. If you ever get to Boston or San Fran, look'em up. It's totally worth it. You won't forget the sex that happened in your mouth. (I can't believe I just said that!) I'm now on the lookout for any restaurant in the area that might serve up the same kind of food. Any recommendations?

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Sounds delicious! And I'm not above traveling for a meal - JG and I often consider flying to Florida to eat at a certain Greek restaurant. Will keep my eyes open for local Afghani grub.